Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Happend With Fakku

Saving integral [sponso]

Solidarity savings, what what? One way to save money that helps support social projects and solidarity. Not bad!
Specifically, we put money aside, and a percentage is donated to an association.

In the Carac, 1% of payments are given to the association of our choice, for example!

Solidarity savings is not known French. Myself, I confess, I knew only by name and were not ever interested me.

Why? Because of prejudice course!

is believed responsible savings, it's complicated, it will have to fill out tons of paper money is blocked. When in fact it's as simple as opening a bank account (incredibly easy, too!).

Second prejudice: You never know where the money goes. With Carac, we are kept informed of the use money and actions thanks to him! Moreover, Char is labelized Finansol, which is a test of confidence.

It is also believed that solidarity savings is reserved for people who have high incomes and high savings capacity, while not at all, anyone can save, even small amounts.
Similarly, we believe that saving fund is not profitable. Because we give a portion of its payments to an association, we believe it is nothing left for himself. In fact, if, of course! Solidarity savings can do both!

If you want more details, you can download an iPhone App Carac that'll explain it all very well, which enables you to know what is your investor profile, to find explanatory videos and games, etc. ...

You can find more info at:


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