Saturday, October 20, 2007

Gown For Rent - Manila

DS, DP CE ... Union representation in the Enterprise

In business, elected staff members of the committee and the committee on health, safety and working conditions, union representatives, are the actors of social dialogue. Each has its specificity.
The CFTC is present in companies through business and trade union sections, those employing less than 50 employees, syndicaux.DP delegates: the delegates are elected by employees. They inform the contractor claims individually or collectively.
Once a company employs 11 people, it is required to hold elections for a DP.
EC :
the works council manages the social and cultural activities of the company and is consulted on employment conditions and working staff, hours of work ... It is now a key player in the procedures for redundancy. In small companies (fewer than fifty employees), DP perform the economic functions of EC. The employer must organize the election of the CE in companies with more than fifty people. In SMEs with fewer than fifty people, the establishment of an EC is possible under certain conditions.
DUP : in SMEs with fewer than 200 persons, the employer may implement a single delegation staff, in which elected officials are at the same time DP and EC members.
HSC: the constitution of a committee of health, safety and working conditions is mandatory in establishments with at least fifty employees. Below, it is possible to create one, the DP will meet roughly the same missions.
DS: in all businesses, trade unions (CFTC, for example) can create a union branch (it has a capability to defend the interests of employees. All businesses are concerned, the section consisting of members a union. In those over 50, they may appoint a steward. The union presence in the enterprise is very important for employees to a negotiation closer to their daily lives. The DS is the CFTC and negotiates agreements and collective agreements. In companies with fewer than 50 people, trade unions may appoint a DP as DS.


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