An organization that goes | - Present in all professions in all departments, more than 10% in the last prud'hommales.
A single service union workers | - Includes information in its permanence
- Who helps the tribunal,
- Who defends the wages and employment in business,
- Who helps families, unemployed
A union of people, not robots or puppets | - It does not promise the moon
- He never denied the crisis, seeking solutions
- He refused confusion political / union.
Responsible, respectful of the truth, Independent | - He does not participate in election campaigns and does not change the language according to the color of the speaker.
A union that wants to succeed and not to agitate | - He never refuses the discussion as opposed to others. It engages
- positive compromises (contract salary) and rejects unsatisfactory results.
- He denies claims-slogans for progressive results.
- He defends the social but without ignoring economic realities
A union solidarity | - It defends the interests of everyone in the group contract.
- He defends the collective agreements to cover isolated and SMEs.
- Defends Social Security because individual insurance leave the lowest short
A union against violence | - Convincing, but not compel
- Eco freedom to work
- Refusing pathways made against anyone.
- Not using the strike as a last resort and proportioning the means to effect
For a free society | - Freedom of Association in France and around the world.
- A freedom with means to express themselves (information).
- The refusal of statism and free enterprise.
- But freedom is not anarchy, nor the questioning of any social security.
- Free school choice, a fundamental freedom.
- The promotion of family, the life and future.
A modern union | - Who believes in progress.
- But who wants to serve men.
- Who wants changes to be discussed with men to be conducted under conditions acceptable
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