Saturday, October 20, 2007
Gown For Rent - Manila
In business, elected staff members of the committee and the committee on health, safety and working conditions, union representatives, are the actors of social dialogue. Each has its specificity.
The CFTC is present in companies through business and trade union sections, those employing less than 50 employees, syndicaux.DP delegates: the delegates are elected by employees. They inform the contractor claims individually or collectively.
Once a company employs 11 people, it is required to hold elections for a DP.
EC : the works council manages the social and cultural activities of the company and is consulted on employment conditions and working staff, hours of work ... It is now a key player in the procedures for redundancy. In small companies (fewer than fifty employees), DP perform the economic functions of EC. The employer must organize the election of the CE in companies with more than fifty people. In SMEs with fewer than fifty people, the establishment of an EC is possible under certain conditions.
DUP : in SMEs with fewer than 200 persons, the employer may implement a single delegation staff, in which elected officials are at the same time DP and EC members.
HSC: the constitution of a committee of health, safety and working conditions is mandatory in establishments with at least fifty employees. Below, it is possible to create one, the DP will meet roughly the same missions.
DS: in all businesses, trade unions (CFTC, for example) can create a union branch (it has a capability to defend the interests of employees. All businesses are concerned, the section consisting of members a union. In those over 50, they may appoint a steward. The union presence in the enterprise is very important for employees to a negotiation closer to their daily lives. The DS is the CFTC and negotiates agreements and collective agreements. In companies with fewer than 50 people, trade unions may appoint a DP as DS.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
How To Hear People On Walkie Talkies
Harnessing economic growth in the service of all
The economy must serve the development hommes.Le employment guarantee social cohesion and promotes personal growth. Solidarity schemes rely on him. We must build a sustainable source of employment growth ... The employee is entitled to fair remuneration for his work ... Right to Employment and right to wages are the same right to live. The salary is a factor of demand and therefore employment. Create a favorable living environment for famillesLa CFTC provides support to families in the company as at local level, as part of the peer system (welfare, housing ...) as against the government. This is, at work, to take into account all aspects of the person (employee, parent, player associations ...) that offer real reconciliation of different lifetimes and recognition tasks utility companies collective.Les have responsibilities - including financial - policy family. TCRC recommends that family issues are integrated into the negotiation of business and industry in particular as regards the organization of work, mobility, social plans.
Building a new worker's status
The working world has changed a lot. We must now adapt, learning throughout life, change jobs, corporate ... The work of women makes it more urgent to non-discrimination and inclusion of family life ... The worker's status proposed by CFTC seeks to respond to these changes. It is built on three areas: continuity of rights (compensation, training, welfare ...) to reduce the risk of instability, ensuring a decent life ... but open to people of choice of activities, the time chosen to better reconcile family associations, and cultural life with the professional association of employees in corporate life through participation in strategic decisions, allocation of profits and the organization of working conditions.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Allinurl:fake Denise Milani

unions exist only because people come together to study and defend their rights and their moral and material interests, both collective and individual.
The assurance of being well defended
At the CFTC, the member is never a pawn in a system that dépasse.Les position and actions start from people's lives, the workplace, their families and their environment, and aim to improve working conditions and life for and with people. Within the CFTC, a member may receive a broad network of legal advisors and consultants of the employee, advocates of industrial tribunals of tribunal members, activists competent with respect to the profession of social protection, pensions ... ect ... all there to support see more clearly and be well defended!
insurance to be well informed
Each participant enjoys in the CFTC from a multitude of sources of information through the newspaper confederal "Life to defend", websites, newspapers and professional federations Unions geographical and irreplaceable ... contacts with local delegates. The concern for serious action, independent and responsible member of the guarantees not to be misled by demagogic speeches, to hardliners, or service strengths of influence (eg political party)
assurance be trained
union training institute of the CFTC proposed to members who wish, local and national level, diversified training programs ranging from reception of the new member to the training of elected and appointed and until the leadership level structures. They are each year, nearly 20,000 days that students are well tabulated within the organization.
assurance solidarity
In choosing to draw on Christian social principles, the CFTC itself as demands respect for the dignity of every person and priority to the most fragile and aims to help build a more just and more humane.
> To join the CFTC
Website of the Confederation CFTC
AGRI CFTC union in the Gulf of Lions (Aude-PO)
cftc.icv @
Membership CFTC Agriculture Union :
- personal assistance in case of difficulty professional
- defense industrial tribunal by a lawyer in case of dismissal
- professional advice and legal information and social
- the solidarity of union teams who know your professional problems (local activists)
- the solidarity fund in case of strike (conditions)
- publications of CFTC your profession and national
- a death that relief is paid on death a member or spouse. The amount is 1000 Euros for 2007
IMPORTANT! Your dues may be deducted from income reported in 66% (Valid for employees not practicing the deduction of expenses and pensioners) and 100% (Applies to employees engaged in the deduction of expenses) .
e.mail: cftc.icv @
Wireless Adapterfor Vba
CFTC calls for the harmonization texts and practices of health and safety.
She moved
1. strengthen the training throughout the life of all company stakeholders - entrepreneurs, managers, trainees, employees, workers - safety and health at work.
2. initiate a medico-long professional life.
3. ensure representation of health and safety for all employees regardless of their status (public / private), their industry and size of their business. The CFTC requires that prevention contracts offered to enterprises by the regional health insurance funds (CRAM) is becoming a tool usable regardless of their size and activity;
4. improve coordination of regional
5. transposition of European agreements on stress (2004) and violence at work (2007) with the opening of a negotiation inter declined in the branches and the implementation of the Agreement of March 2007 on ATMP.
A VAT Employment VAT rather than "social"
The CFTC appreciates the abandonment (at least temporarily) This track by the government. A recent study by EDHEC gives credence to the idea developed by the CFTC there ten years: the declining share of social contributions paid by employees, the EDHEC baptize VAT Employment
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Harry Potter Wrap Paper
Italian designs, strollers, high chairs and car seats brand Peg-Perego are always very good sellers because of their quality and their practicality. Seeking to make products lighter, handy and easy maintenance, industry-Peg Perego have maintained for over 40 years, impeccable quality and suitable for various lifestyles.
Chicco Chicco
The company set itself the mandate to offer its customers products that are simple and safe. Indeed, the Chicco umbrella strollers are always easier to handle and are supplemented by some most useful accessories such as plastic rain cover-feet and / or carrying bags. Chicco offers comfort in the service of handling.
This American company recognized in several countries for over 50 years offers even today, reliable products and easier to use without being overpriced. Graco has always managed to combine the functionality and several small + practices for Dad and Mom.
Find all the strollers on
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Where Cani Get A Cape Cod Bracelet
At each age recommendation: before 6 months / 6 months / up to 3 years
Before 6 months
Up to 6 months, your baby's skin is still too immature. Too thin, permeable skin lets in the ingredients of some sunscreens are also likely to promote allergies. It is for this reason that the toilet water alcoholic and ointments containing cortisone among others are not suitable for children of this age. So a slogan: no sunscreen before 6 months.
After 6 months
After 6 months, you can begin to apply a sunscreen to protect baby provided you use a cream "Special Baby" and not a "special child". Fragrance free. Including the protection factor of 40 to a minimum. And containing a mineral screen (when applying a white film remains visible on the skin). Avoid brands unknowns "and prefer a big brand to protect baby's skin. They all offer this kind of sunscreen.
Attention to apply a sunscreen does not mean to leave baby sun. These exposures should be "than exceptional" baby and always protected by an umbrella, a hat, lightweight trousers and sunglasses. Keep in mind that sunburn from childhood sun enter the capital of your children and promote the risk of developing skin cancer in adulthood.
Up to 3 years
The skin will not defend themselves against the sun's rays before that age. You should therefore avoid prolonged exposure before 3 years.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
When Do The Belts Need Changing In Mini?
Your baby will be born. Fortunately, there are some bonuses to help: The birth allowance is € 820.10 if your income exceeds the ceiling. This bonus is paid on the 7th month of pregnancy. A second basic allowance can be granted tested: € 165.22 per month until the child turns 3. This premium is paid by the FCA under the ELP
At the birth of your child, a premium may also be granted to you by your insurance. The amount varies depending on your mutual agreement (150 to 500 €). If you each have a mutual company, ask them both!
Finally, your business will give you perhaps a small gift (depending on business), not to mention those colleagues who may hold a pot to greet the arrival of baby. It
Simulators are a few to help you in your quest to the ELP: the MSA or the site Pajempoi