Rural Families Association held last Sunday, November 28 a day Lille.
122 people participated in this output, as saying that two buses were full!
The tour began the morning by the zoo of Lille, which brings together more than 75 species from 5 continents, on nearly 3 acres. Some animals may have been already returned to the cold (the park closes each Anene mid-December to mid-February), but we could still see many species. Particularly in the Tropical House, where the temperature difference was obvious!
At 12:30, we all got back in the bus to downtown, to explore the Christmas market. It was not easy to find drivers to stop easily, and we took a walk, but nothing like to warm themselves and to whet your appetite! The meal was left to the freedom of everyone, some brave, brought their picnic, others have opted for a meal in hot, in a brewery, a self, or a typical restaurant : Mussels and fries and menus ch'ti!

The Christmas market was Rihour place in the heart of downtown. Beautifully decorated and illuminated, you could find all sorts of ideas for Christmas gifts, crafts from elsewhere, and some delicacies of all kinds. A few steps away, another place where there was great (but really great!) Wheel. It should not be afraid of heights, but the panorama should be awesome!
At the foot of the big wheel, nice sets, automata, and a huge Christmas tree. A little further, one could also enjoy a little ride.
course it was cold, very cold, but we spent a pleasant day.
Despite the waiting bus in the evening, some problems related to traffic, and start heating a little late in bus (!!!), all families seemed satisfied with their day!