Friday, March 19, 2010

Does Hot Water Shrink Merino Wool

March 26: Meeting at Narbonne


The Union Agriculture CFTC Gulf of Lion holds a permanent Friday, March 26, 2010 for employees Agriculture (Caves Cooperatives, wine farms, farm organizations ...)

Briefing Friday, March 26 from 16 am to 18 pm
Local union CFTC Narbonne

Palace of Labor - Room LACROIX -


To facilitate the meeting between employees in the agriculture sector, the Union of Agriculture CFTC Gulf of Lions is organizing a briefing with the trades and trends, the main demands of this industry by industry.

employees agriculture (vineyards, cooperatives, farm organizations will give their evidence on trends in the agricultural sector, the state of salary negotiations, the establishment of mutual "complementary health" in some branches ...

Information 06 76 94 72 41.

We count on your presence, between 16 pm and 18 pm today, Friday March 26.

