Saturday, April 25, 2009

Big Green Egg Automatic Themostat

News July 2009 AGRI

wage negotiations in the wine cooperatives

On 7 July, the employers' delegation expressed the unions of its proposed pay increase for 2009: 0%. The CFTC

AGRI Gulf of Lion denounces this charade. The crisis is still good, it makes everything, especially the right to pay cash to employees. Whatever
purchasing power! The delegation

employer bears sole responsibility for the breakdown of social dialogue in mocking the kind of employees. The CFTC

AGRI Gulf of Lion asks the employers' delegation to return to the negotiating table this time with real wage proposals. CFTC AGRI our load National negotiator Claude RUFFACH to bring up our claims



forward .......................................

Staff riding

Agreement salary: ANNEX I (addendum No. 64 of 04.23.1998): Gross earnings from 1 March 2009

POINT VALUE: € 0.0764 (only applicable for the calculation of wages from the coefficient 130)

The wage agreement of 19 January 2009 joint committee of the collective agreement governing equestrian center staff is taken as an exception to Article 18 of the agreement for employees of the coefficients 100-121.



hourly wage

monthly wage

Maintenance Officer



1 322.56

Agent / hostess



1 328.63




1 328.63

Rider / trainer



1 337.73

Host handler



1 349.86



hourly wage

monthly wage




1 360.48

Guide Equestrian



1 368.06

Trainer / Stable responsible



1 402.95

Teacher / facilitator



1 506.08



hourly wage

monthly wage

Accounting secretary



1 738.14




1 738.14



hourly wage

monthly wage

Teacher Head-teacher



933.79 2193 (1)



hourly wage

monthly wage



14.74 2 830.08

(1) For employees who signed a delegation of authority.


daily value of food

- a meal: 8,71 €
- breakfast: 4.36 €
- the day: € 21.78

board a horse (see s.22 collective agreement)

- Amount set by mutual agreement between employer and employee;
- or 50% of all taxes of the basic pension offered by the hotel owners of equines.

Monthly value of housing (article 21)

amount set by mutual agreement between employer and employee
Or individual housing :
- room of at least 9m ² furnished, lighted, heated (5h ): € 43.55
Or PMQ :
- apartment naked, per piece of 9m ² (3h): € 26.13
- to increase length of 12m ² covered (2h): € 17.42
- an additional garden of 250m ² (2 hours): € 17.42



by Jerome Lawrence, Coordinator of the Groupama Branch, National Negotiator

extract CARREFOUR AGRI, the newsletter of the Federation of Agriculture CFTC
On 12 March, we started with Unit DéveloppementSocial Groupama (association representing employers of all entities of mutual GROUPAMA pole) a major trading to improve the readability of our compensation system without affecting our two levels of negotiation (national and enterprise level) which would become more complementary than ever. This negotiation will involve us until June for the 2010 salary negotiations can be opened within the new context in October next.

Currently, employers Groupama has a rather limited reform to implement: it would be introducing into our national agreement of 2008 that the amendment establishes a guaranteed share increase inter-group can be completed at each company and secondly a Minimum Wage Function in lieu of salary basis function.

CFTC fully share this desire to enhance the readability of our compensation system. But our thinking and our proposals go beyond.

on the collective aspect

- For the CFTC, following the philosophy of the provisions of the addendum of November 7, 2008 should be reversed and including the guarantee of a collective increase in Business to Business .

Employees of Member Companies perimeter UDSG are part of a group that is doing well, thanks to the sum of their individual investments. The UDSG (and employers it represents) should be fully aware and take into account in these negotiations but also through the establishment of a collective bonus GROUP short term.
- Equity will be one of the cornerstones of the new pay system. No employee, whatever his profession, status (employee or officer) shall be excluded from collective actions that will be taken at national and local levels. This pay system will apply to all employees in Classes 1-7.

- The new pay system will be applied equally in all entities Groupama, and for strengthening the coherence of the group and do not hamper mobility. A Regional Bank is negotiating its own compensation system, its own Trades grid devraientplus not be on those grounds, especially as patterns of organization are increasingly national (which is not in itself necessarily objectionable).
on the individual
- CFTC calls for the revision of the pay system is not only in its collective aspect. To give full meaning to the professional development, recognition of increased skills of employees, it is essential to enhance the increase individual.

 To ensure that employees changing jobs real wage growth, not just professional.
 order to motivate those who intend to assume supervisory responsibilities or change in their business following a professional development approach (CVT). To leverage
 those who demonstrate a mastery of their position.
CFTC suggests introducing the principle of a significant increase in individual earnings, a sign of a genuine policy of promotion, certification.
should abandon the reference to a fixed minimum monthly increase (currently 48 euros to 78 euros for employees and managers) for the reference to a guaranteed minimum monthly increase equal to a percentage (to be negotiated ) of the salary grade of the employee concerned
- This proactive policy must be accompanied by a clearer definition the period after which the employees may claim a review of their situation (five years consecutive day an increase every six years unless otherwise stated). This definition should not become the rule, as is too often the case today.

If the employer is not satisfied with the work done, he can quickly see and take the accompanying measures and training necessary without waiting for the expiration of five years consecutive to respond .. .
Such an attitude could only lead to a generalized lack of motivation, which seems to be the case today for the same reason ...
- Motivation is intrinsically linked to the readability of the remuneration system and a degree of transparency.
For CFTC AGRI, the annual evaluation should be an opportunity for the employee to make his request to increase individual and asks why he should actually receive a reasoned response (especially if it is negative). That would show some respect for the individual.


- negotiating the new pay system is the prerequisite for the needed reform of the classification grid which will in particular take into account the actual business of the wire, the constraints on the activities board in front and back office, but also the specialization of the networks.

In fact, the CFTC calls for serious negotiations must be initiated after the current one for updating the grid trades that would create real opportunities for valuing employee promotions skills of the employees of our companies.

- Special attention should be paid on the new pay system coupled with a thorough review of the classification of trades GROUPAMA if employers wish to promote and encourage inter-firm mobility, and even international institution.

Employees are not a burden but an investment on which direction should look with more interest to make an investment on which direction should look with more interest in make a sustainable and profitable investment

If you wish to participate in this negotiation, not least by bringing your ideas or send us your stories, please contact your representatives in your company CFTC or absence of representatives CFTC ...
Join the CFTC branch coordinator, Jérôme LAURENT

By Emmanuel Cuvillier, National Coordinator of the branch MSA WAGE NEGOTIATIONS
2009: it starts badly !
For the third time in a year, employees of the MSA were strongly mobilized Jan. 29 to defend their purchasing power and a legitimate claim to higher wages, after five years without a wage agreement in the institution.
It is in this climate that took place on the February the first meeting on wages in the year that ended in failure despite the willingness of unions to reach agreement.
In our case, the latest proposal of Employers (3 points 1 March and 0.8% in June 1) is unacceptable for employees who are asked more and more, particularly in the context of restructuring and the introduction of new technologies without any cons part, employees need in these difficult times recognition to continue to be motivated.
In this context, we must remain alert and with other unions we plan to attend the next scheduled day of interprofessional action on March 19.


At the request of trade unions, the National Federation of Employers MSA has engaged in a preparatory work for the planned five-year review in 2012 of the job classification of the collective agreement.
The aim is initially with the assistance of a consulting firm to make a diagnosis of the current (job classification and directory) and then take into account the evolution of professions and skills in organizations.
For our part, if we adhere to the approach we recalled at the first meeting of this prospective analysis of the job classification system must have two main objectives:
- Grooming Your directory listing of jobs in trades actually existing in the crates today
- The evolution of the system of remuneration of such trades, including revision of the classification grid.
We will keep you abreast of developments in this matter and seek your participation. As we decided at the last meeting of industry, we established a census sections CFTC in organisms.

During the second quarter, we will use the information to prepare for the upcoming elections Enterprise Labour
Indeed, with the new law on representativeness it is imperative that unions show their audience in the company through the election results, the EC under penalty of extinction.
With the help of the Federation, we will be at your side to meet this challenge.
is a call for all MSA can enjoy a true construction unionism sociale.Venez join us.
In the Aude and PO:
cftc.icv @

Friday, April 24, 2009

Error 619 On Orange Donglem

CFTC and Europe by Claire ETINEAU

By Claire ETINEAU, Head CFTC Europe Commission

This analysis is a tool that European countries can use, a poster was made in this direction (see below).

On 15 January, a European conference was organized in Berlin by EFFAT on seasonal work in agriculture and risk assessment.

First a reminder, Europe: 27 EU Member States with 14 million agricultural workers.

And we CFTC Federation of Agriculture, what are our 2009 actions for these 14 million agricultural workers?

During this conference, the topic of risk assessment work has been exhibited by the CFTC: we developed the analysis matrix desde risks through the single document, binding on France. This study is being finalized and will be presented to the General Assembly of the agricultural sector EFFAT late March in Marseille

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shiny Machamp Pokemon Firered



Everyone - except employers and our political leaders - recognized today, it is impossible to live on one income for the minimum wage ...

With just over 1 000 euros net per month, you can not live, we survive , it scrapes, it is doing ... So imagine with RMI, the minimum or the RSA.

For this reason, the CFTC, we calculated the amount of what we call "fair wage" , ie the salary that allows a worker and his family to live in ensuring both the subsistence (food, shelter, clothing, health) but also the opportunity to access a minimum of cultural goods needed to meet the challenges of the French society of the early twenty-first century and to build savings.

This fair wage should rise to 3 400 euros net for a family of two adults and two children living in the suburbs of a big city.

It is far from the account, it is far from the proposal-that everyone was daring at the time, a certain candidate in the presidential election that claimed a minimum wage of 1 ... 500 euros in five years.

Our encryption is concerned, certainly, a fictional family, but it is corroborated by numerous reports and surveys devoted to real families in the media.

This figure seems high you?

Look around you, ask your family, your children, friends ... and you will see that we are right.

This figure seems you always high?

Compare the income of the big bosses of the CAC 40 or dividends paid to pension funds.

It is urgent that governments are concerned that such an imbalance that is growing to prevent the mounting anger.

While we will not, overnight, to restore the balance in favor of employees, but if our leaders were aware that the situation is serious, we would have won.

For a fictional family of two adults and two children living in the suburbs of a big city, here is what is, according to the CFTC's budget ideal

Expenditure: Housing

€ 1 200 € 400
Transport 275 € (orange card + car)
Food € 600 (racing "family")
Lunch € 200 (weekly)
Canteen 120 € € 80 Clothing

Housing Tax € 150 € 170
Miscellaneous charges (electricity, gas, water, insurance) Health
€ 50 € 50
Arts (Internet Connection ...)


Family allowances (allocated the establishment of savings) 300 €

Total budget € 3 300

Need in net pay (individual) 1 650 €

The money initially

It is far from the ideal distribution of wealth. That of the famous three third-third to shareholders, one third for investment and a third for employees.

Total which is now in the CAC 40 which generates the most profit in 2008 at the same time announces 555 job cuts by 2013. The

oil group took no gloves. The context does not yet lent itself. The new restructuring plan in addition to many others. Total displays Yet the biggest profit ever made by a French group: 13.9 billion euros for 2008. The announcement is beyond comprehension.

petroleum group seems ostensibly guided by pure logic of maximum profitability.

union organizations and political parties of all persuasions have been sounded by such contempt. The government itself is divided. Luc Chatel, the decision merely held the tanker "Clumsy". Laurent Wauquiez has been a little more compassionate by trying the job cuts "outrageous" and called on Total "something for learning and youth employment". As Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, he is outraged that one can criticize one of the jewels of French entrepreneurship.

Total is not his first indiscretion. Freeing the code of ethics advocated by Laurence Parisot since his arrival at the head of MEDEF. Total

should "lead by example against these spectacular results, enraged the federation CMTE-CFTC. All tracks have not been studied before arriving there, such as reducing the dividend to shareholders of 0.5 euro instead of 2.28 euros per share for the year 2008. "

Nothing happens by chance really. Not at Total. For the CFTC, the rule of thirds is finally applied. As Nicolas Sarkozy advocated.

Clitoral Yeast Infection

sustainable development and environmental

sustainable development and environmental

Sustainable development a business through its ability to create a community of people where the development of cooperation between actors leads, respecting individual dignity, the common good.

It is therefore legitimate and economically necessary that employees take part in the life of their business.

CFTC calls for corporate social responsibility is taken into account in selecting investments.

It is encouraging companies to improve their behavior in the social and environmental.

Besides purely financial performance criteria, the CFTC calls for the introduction of social and environmental criteria.